Computer Science Engineering: 60 Seats

The department serves to create a centre of excellence for budding professionals so as to equip them with strong fundamental concepts, programming and problem solving skills with an exposure to emerging technologies by providing hands-on experience. The courses offered deal with both theoretical and practical aspects of the theoretical foundations of computation and information processing, design and understanding of concepts behind computational processes and programming languages from the basic level to the application level to meet industry requirements in the rapidly changing environment. A student undergoes courses in programming languages, object oriented concepts, algorithms, operating systems, system software, compiler design, database management system, computer networks, computer graphics, web design, cryptography, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, etc. Hence, on completion of the course, a student can analyze, design, develop, test and optimize solutions in C, C++, Java, Python and .NET platforms and can contribute as software developers, hardware engineers, system analysts, database analysts, security analysts, software testers, software quality assurance engineers, etc.


  • Virtual class room and e-learning.
  • Doubt Class.
  • Software Learning Classes.
  • Seminar Conducted by Top Company Engineer.
  • Classes taken by experienced faculties of NIT’s and IIT’s.
  • Well equipped Lab Facility
  • Computer programming & Graphics Lab
  • Object oriented programming Lab(OOPS Lab)
  • Language Processor Lab
  • Network & OS Lab
  • Internet & Project Lab
  • Language Lab
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